Большие хосты

Большие хосты
из ассортимента питомника

а. Большие хосты

б. Гигантские хосты

Большие хосты

  1. Abiqua Drinking Gourd
  2. Abiqua moonbeam
  3. Afterglow
  4. Amazing Grace
  5. American Halo
  6. American Icon
  7. Amos
  8. Andrew
  9. Angel Falls
  10. Antioch
  11. Arch Duke
  12. Armani
  13. Atlantis 
  14. August Moon
  15. Avocado 
  16. Barbara Ann
  17. Beauty Substance
  18. Beckoning 
  19. Bellevue
  20. Big Daddy 
  21. Big Mama
  22. Big Performer
  23. Black Beauty
  24. Black Hills
  25. Blue Angel
  26. Blue Mammoth
  27. Blue Wu 
  28. Bridal Falls
  29. Brother Stefan
  30. Capitol Hill
  31. Cathedral Windows
  32. Celestial
  33. Chanticleer 
  34. Choo Choo Train
  35. Christmas Pageant
  36. Christmas Tree 
  37. Clear Fork River Valley
  38. Clifford’s Forest Fire
  39. Climax
  40. Coast to Coast
  41. Color Glory
  42. Confused Angel
  43. Cup of Joy
  44. Dark Shadows
  45. Devil’s Advocate
  46. Diamond Lake
  47. Dick Ward
  48. Dino
  49. Donahue Piecrust
  50. Dream Queen
  51. Dream Weaver
  52. Earth Angel 
  53. Empress U 
  54. Enchiladas
  55. Epiphany
  56. Final Summation
  57. Final Victory
  58. Fingerprint
  59. First Dance
  60. Fleet Week
  61. Flemish Angel  
  62. Foxfire Night Skye
  63. Fragrant Bouquet
  64. Fran Godfrey
  65. Frances Williams 
  66. Gemini Moon
  67. Gold Standard
  68. Golden Meadows
  69. Gone with the Wind
  70. Goodness Gracious
  71. Goodness Gracious 
  72. Great Expectation
  73. Grey Ghost
  74. Guacamole
  75. Guardian Angel
  76. Gunther’s Prize
  77. H. fluctuans-сеянец х. Sagae
  78. H. fortunei albopicta
  79. H. fortunei aureomarginata
  80. H. montana Aureomarginata 
  81. H. sieboldiana Elegans
  82. High Voltage
  83. Holar Arches Park
  84. Hollywood Lights
  85. Holу Mole 
  86. Honeybells
  87. Inniswood
  88. Jack Berry
  89. Jade Cascade
  90. Johnny Angel
  91. Journey’s End  
  92. Julie Morss 
  93. Jurassic Park
  94. Key West
  95. Kingsize  
  96. Komodo Dragon 
  97. Krossa Regal
  98. Lakeside Breaking News
  99. Lakeside Full Tide
  100. Liberty
  101. Linda Sue
  102. Made You Look
  103. Magic Fire
  104. Mango Smoothie
  105. Marion Bachman
  106. Mesa Fringe
  107. Midwest Magic
  108. Millennium
  109. Minke
  110. Moonlight
  111. Niagara Falls
  112. Northern Halo
  113. Ocean Isle
  114. Olive Baily Langdon
  115. One Last Dance
  116. Paradigm
  117. Paradise Backstage
  118. Paradise Expectations
  119. Paradise Glory
  120. Paradise Power  
  121. Paul’s Glory
  122. Pebbles
  123. Phoenix
  124. Pie a la Mode
  125. Pin-up Girl
  126. Potomac Glory
  127. Potomac Pride
  128. Powerline
  129. Queen of the Seas
  130. Rain Dancer
  131. Red Bull
  132. Regal Chameleon
  133. Regal Splendor
  134. Rock and Roll
  135. Roy Klehm
  136. Royal Standard
  137. Royal Standart
  138. Sagae
  139. Samurai
  140. Sara’s Sensation
  141. Seducer
  142. September Sun
  143. Silver Serenity
  144. Silver Sheen
  145. Smokey Bear
  146. Smooth Sailing
  147. Sourpuss
  148. Spartacus
  149. Spring Fling
  150. Stag’s Leap
  151. Step Brother
  152. Sugar Daddy
  153. Sum and Substans
  154. Sumsational
  155. Sun Power
  156. Temptation
  157. The Right One
  158. Titanic
  159. Tom Schmid
  160. T-rex
  161. Ufo
  162. Valley’s Red Scorpion
  163. Victory
  164. Viking Ship
  165. Vim and Vigor
  166. War Paint
  167. Windfall
  168. Winter Snow
  169. Wishing Well 
  170. World Cup
  171. Wu-La-La
  172. Wunderbar
  173. Yellow River


Гигантские хосты

Из «больших хост» можно выделить категорию «очень больших, гигантских».

Гигантские хосты
  1. Amos
  2. Arch Duke
  3. Beauty Substance
  4. Blue Angel
  5. Capitol Hill
  6. Chanticleer 
  7. Coast to Coast
  8. Diamond Lake
  9. Dino
  10. Empress U
  11. Enchiladas
  12. Final Victory
  13. First Dance
  14. Flemish Angel  
  15. Fran Godfrey
  16. Gone with the Wind
  17. Holar Arches Park
  18. Jack Berry
  19. Jade Cascade
  20. Johnny Angel
  21. Jurassic Park
  22. Key West
  23. Lakeside Full Tide
  24. Liberty
  25. Minke
  26. Sumsational
  27. Titanic
  28. T-rex
  29. Ufo
  30. Victory
  31. Vim and Vigor
  32. Winter Snow
  33. Wu-La-La
  34. Wunderbar