Большие хосты
- Abiqua Drinking Gourd
- Abiqua moonbeam
- Afterglow
- Amazing Grace
- American Halo
- American Icon
- Amos
- Andrew
- Angel Falls
- Antioch
- Arch Duke
- Armani
- Atlantis
- August Moon
- Avocado
- Barbara Ann
- Beauty Substance
- Beckoning
- Bellevue
- Big Daddy
- Big Mama
- Big Performer
- Black Beauty
- Black Hills
- Blue Angel
- Blue Mammoth
- Blue Wu
- Bridal Falls
- Brother Stefan
- Capitol Hill
- Cathedral Windows
- Celestial
- Chanticleer
- Choo Choo Train
- Christmas Pageant
- Christmas Tree
- Clear Fork River Valley
- Clifford’s Forest Fire
- Climax
- Coast to Coast
- Color Glory
- Confused Angel
- Cup of Joy
- Dark Shadows
- Devil’s Advocate
- Diamond Lake
- Dick Ward
- Dino
- Donahue Piecrust
- Dream Queen
- Dream Weaver
- Earth Angel
- Empress U
- Enchiladas
- Epiphany
- Final Summation
- Final Victory
- Fingerprint
- First Dance
- Fleet Week
- Flemish Angel
- Foxfire Night Skye
- Fragrant Bouquet
- Fran Godfrey
- Frances Williams
- Gemini Moon
- Gold Standard
- Golden Meadows
- Gone with the Wind
- Goodness Gracious
- Goodness Gracious
- Great Expectation
- Grey Ghost
- Guacamole
- Guardian Angel
- Gunther’s Prize
- H. fluctuans-сеянец х. Sagae
- H. fortunei albopicta
- H. fortunei aureomarginata
- H. montana Aureomarginata
- H. sieboldiana Elegans
- High Voltage
- Holar Arches Park
- Hollywood Lights
- Holу Mole
- Honeybells
- Inniswood
- Jack Berry
- Jade Cascade
- Johnny Angel
- Journey’s End
- Julie Morss
- Jurassic Park
- Key West
- Kingsize
- Komodo Dragon
- Krossa Regal
- Lakeside Breaking News
- Lakeside Full Tide
- Liberty
- Linda Sue
- Made You Look
- Magic Fire
- Mango Smoothie
- Marion Bachman
- Mesa Fringe
- Midwest Magic
- Millennium
- Minke
- Moonlight
- Niagara Falls
- Northern Halo
- Ocean Isle
- Olive Baily Langdon
- One Last Dance
- Paradigm
- Paradise Backstage
- Paradise Expectations
- Paradise Glory
- Paradise Power
- Paul’s Glory
- Pebbles
- Phoenix
- Pie a la Mode
- Pin-up Girl
- Potomac Glory
- Potomac Pride
- Powerline
- Queen of the Seas
- Rain Dancer
- Red Bull
- Regal Chameleon
- Regal Splendor
- Rock and Roll
- Roy Klehm
- Royal Standard
- Royal Standart
- Sagae
- Samurai
- Sara’s Sensation
- Seducer
- September Sun
- Silver Serenity
- Silver Sheen
- Smokey Bear
- Smooth Sailing
- Sourpuss
- Spartacus
- Spring Fling
- Stag’s Leap
- Step Brother
- Sugar Daddy
- Sum and Substans
- Sumsational
- Sun Power
- Temptation
- The Right One
- Titanic
- Tom Schmid
- T-rex
- Ufo
- Valley’s Red Scorpion
- Victory
- Viking Ship
- Vim and Vigor
- War Paint
- Windfall
- Winter Snow
- Wishing Well
- World Cup
- Wu-La-La
- Wunderbar
- Yellow River
Гигантские хосты
Из «больших хост» можно выделить категорию «очень больших, гигантских».

- Amos
- Arch Duke
- Beauty Substance
- Blue Angel
- Capitol Hill
- Chanticleer
- Coast to Coast
- Diamond Lake
- Dino
- Empress U
- Enchiladas
- Final Victory
- First Dance
- Flemish Angel
- Fran Godfrey
- Gone with the Wind
- Holar Arches Park
- Jack Berry
- Jade Cascade
- Johnny Angel
- Jurassic Park
- Key West
- Lakeside Full Tide
- Liberty
- Minke
- Sumsational
- Titanic
- T-rex
- Ufo
- Victory
- Vim and Vigor
- Winter Snow
- Wu-La-La
- Wunderbar