- Н. clausa var. normalis
- H. fluctuans
- H. fortunei albopicta
- H. fortunei aureomarginata
- H. lancifolia
- H. montana aureomarginata
- H. plantaginea
- H. sieboldiana Elegans
- H. undulata Erromena
- H. undulata undulata (Snow White?)
- H. undulata mediovariegata
- Hacksaw
- Halcyon
- Half and Half
- Hands Up
- Hanjas Crazy Mouse
- Hanky Panky
- Hans
- Happy Dayz
- Happy Mouse
- Heart and Soul
- Heatwave (Heat Wave)
- Hi Ho Silver
- High Society
- High Voltage
- Holar Arches Park
- Holar Wild Side
- Hollywood Lights
- Holy Mole
- Holy Mouse Ears
- Honeybells
- Hope
- Hot Kiss
- Hyacinthina (H.fortunei)
- Hydon Sunset
- Hypnosis
- Hyuga Urajiro
- Ice Age Trail
- Ice Cube
- Iced Lemon
- Illisit Affair
- Independence
- Inniswood
- Invinsible
- Irish Luck
- Iron Sky
- Itsy Bitsy Spider
- Ivory Coast
- Ivory Queen
- Jack Berry
- Jade Cascade
- Jessica Alba
- Jewel of the Nile
- Jilted Lover
- Johnny Angel
- Journey’s End
- Joy Ride
- Juha
- Julie Mors
- June
- June Fever
- June Spirit ®
- Jurassic Park
- Justine
- Kabitan
- Kaleidochrome
- Kanzi
- Katerina Lewis
- Kempen Magenta Blue
- Kempen Waving Shadow
- Key West
- Kingsize
- Kisuji
- Kiwi Blue Baby
- Kiwi Full Monty
- Knockout Mouse
- Komodo Dragon
- Korean Snow
- Krossa Regal
- Lady Guinevere
- Lady Luck
- Ladybug
- Lakeside Banana Bay
- Lakeside Beach Bum
- Lakeside Beach Captain
- Lakeside Breaking News
- Lakeside Cha Cha
- Lakeside Coal Miner
- Lakeside Cupcake
- Lakeside Dimpled Darling
- Lakeside Doodad
- Lakeside Dragonfly
- Lakeside Elfin Fire
- Lakeside Fruit Loops
- Lakeside Full Tide
- Lakeside Kaleidoscope
- Lakeside Lollipop
- Lakeside Looking Glass
- Lakeside Meter Maid
- Lakeside Midnight Miss
- Lakeside Paisley Print
- Lakeside Prophecy
- Lakeside Prophecy Fulfilled
- Lakeside Scamp
- Lakeside Spruce Goose
- Lakeside Storm Watch
- Lasergame
- Leapin’ Lizard
- Leather and Lace
- Lemon Delight
- Lemon Kiss
- Lemon Snap
- Lemontini
- Let’s Twist Again
- Liberty
- Lily Pad
- Lime Fizz
- Lime Shag
- Lime Smoothie
- Limey Lisa
- Linda Sue
- Lionheart
- Lipstick Blonde
- Little Aurora
- Little Caesar
- Little Hobber
- Little Maddie
- Little Sunspot
- Little Treasure
- London Bridge
- London Fog
- Lonesome Dove
- longissima
- Louie Louie
- Love Pat
- Loyalist
- Lucky Mouse
- Lullabye
- Luna Moth
- Made You Look
- Magic Fire
- Mango Smoothie
- Mango Tango
- Manzo
- Marilyn Monroe
- Marion Bachman
- Marrakech
- Marshmallow Sky
- May
- Maya Tritone
- Mayflower Moon
- Medusa
- Memories of Dorothy
- Mesa Fringe
- Metallica
- Midnight at the Oasis
- Midnight Hour
- Midnight Moon
- Midnight Oil
- Midwest Magic
- Mighty Mite
- Milkmaid
- Millennium
- Mini Skirt
- Minke
- Minuteman
- Mirror Lake
- Mito-no-Hana
- Modern Dance
- Monkey Business
- Monster Ears
- Moon Split
- Moon Struck
- Moonlight
- Moonlight Mirage
- Moonlight Sonata
- Morning Light
- Morning Star
- Moulin Rouge
- Mount Kirisima
- Mouse Capades
- Mouse Madness
- Mouse Trap
- Mr. Blue
- Mrs Minky
- Mystic Mouse
- Mystic Star
- Nancy
- Needlepoint
- Needle’s Eye
- Neptune
- Niagara Falls
- Night Before Christmas
- Nippers
- Northern Exposure
- Northern Halo
- Number Nine
- Obscene Gesture
- Obscura (H.fortunei)
- Ocean Isle
- Olive Bailey Langdon
- Olive Branch
- Olympic Glacier
- Olympic Gold Medal
- Olympic Sunrise
- One Last Dance
- One Man’s Treasure
- Ooh La La
- Orange Marmalade
- Orange Star
- Outhouse Delight
- Oze
- Paisley Border
- Pamela Lee
- Pandora’s Вox
- Paradigm
- Paradise Island
- Paradise Backstage
- Paradise Beach
- Paradise Expectations
- Paradise Glory
- Paradise Joyce ®
- Paradise Power
- Paradise Puppet
- Paradise Red Delight
- Paradise Sandstorm
- Paradise Sunset
- Paradise Triton
- Parisian Silk
- Party Popper
- Pathfinder
- Patriot
- Paul’s Glory
- Peanut
- Pebbles
- Peedee Absinth
- Phoenix
- Pie a la Mode
- Piecrust Promise
- Pilgrim
- Pinani Island Surf
- Pinani Splash
- Pineapple Poll
- Pineapple Punch
- Pineapple Upsidedown Cake
- Pin-up
- Pin-up Girl
- Pistache
- Pizzazz
- Playmate
- Pocketful of Sunshine
- Popcorn
- Potomac Glory
- Potomac Pride
- Powerline
- Prairie Sky
- Prairie’s Edge
- Praying Hands
- Proud Dragon
- Proud Sentry
- Proud Treasure
- Punky
- Purple Haze