Хосты Pat~Pin

1. Хоста Pathfinder


2. Хоста Patriot


3. Хоста Paul Vernooij

Paul Vernooij

4. Paul’s Glory

Paul's Glory

5. Хоста Pavlova Delight

6. Хоста Peace and Quiet

Peace and Quiet

7. Хоста Peach Salsa

Peach Salsa

8. Хоста Peanut


9. Хоста Pebbles


10. Хоста Peedee Absinth

Peedee Absinth

11. Хоста PeeDee Laughing River

PeeDee Laughing River

12. Хоста Penny Lane

Penny Lane

13. Хоста Peppermint Ice

14. Хоста Peppermint Twist

Peppermint Twist

15. Хоста Peter Ruh

Peter Ruh

16. Хоста Pete’s Dark Satellite

Pete's Dark Satellite

17. Хоста Petticoat Junction

Petticoat Junction

18. Хоста Phoenix


19. Хоста Phoenix Feathers

20. Хоста Picasso


21. Хоста Pie a la Mode

Pie a la Mode

22. Хоста Piecrust Promise

Piecrust Promise

23. Хоста Pierced Mouse Ears

24. Хоста Pilgrim


25. Хоста Pinani Island Surf

Pinani Island Surf

26. Хоста Pinani Splash

Pinani Splash

27. Хоста Pineapple Poll

Pineapple Poll

28. Хоста Pineapple Punch

Pineapple Punch

29. Хоста Pineapple Salsa

Pineapple Salsa

30. Хоста Pineapple Upsidedown Cake

Pineapple Upsidedown Cake

31. Хоста Pin-up


32. Хоста Pin-up Girl

Pin-up Girl